My Silly Little Gang’s Bluetooth Smart Scale Holiday Giveaway – 18+, US ONLY – Ends 11/30


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This is another contest from the Holiday Gift Guide. Have you checked it out?

This giveaway is hosted by My Silly Little Gang. We have quite a few giveaways with them now. We truly appreciate their efforts. They can answer questions about the prize. Win! Win! Win! is only helping promote this giveaway. Thanks for participating and good luck!

Bluetooth Smart Scale Holiday Giveaway

Welcome to the Bluetooth Smart Scale Holiday Giveaway!

This giveaway is part of our Holiday Gift Guide – Stop by to see all the giveaways and great products.

This contest is hosted by the Social Media Gurus Network!

The host that put together this giveaway is:
My Silly Little Gang
My co-host for this giveaway is:
Deliciously Savvy

Below is a list of all the bloggers involved in the gift guide giveaways.